angelina moles

Angelina Moles is a Critical Fat Studies theorist and performance artist with a Master of Art's degree in Communication Studies. They use both she/her/hers and they/them/theirs pronouns when being referred to. Angelina is a fat activist whose work is centered in critiquing/unpacking thin privilege, ableism, and the medical industry for their creation and contribution to fatphobia and anti-fat stigmas. She is currently working on a creating a website dedicated to discussing fat liberation and is dipping their toes into burlesque dancing. Angelina is a performance artists who creates pieces that discuss and focus on the fat body and the way it is policed in a thin society. They have performed all over the Bay Area as well as San Diego, CA, Boise, ID, Seattle, WA, and Evanston, IL. Along with performing, Angelina is a plant parent who loves fat art, reality tv, and chocolate covered pretzels.